
发布于:2020-09-01 | 分类:mathematics

本文求解矩形相交问题(Rectangle Intersection Problem):已知n个水平或者竖直放置的矩形,对于每个矩形,求所有与之相交的矩形。一开始采用了暴力求解的方式,O(n^2)的时间复杂度在n<2000时尚能接受(~0.6s),继续增大n则导致计算时间爆炸了。实际上,矩形求交是一个研究过的问题,本文参考一篇论文中的算法进行了实现。



  ^ y
  |        (x1, y1)
4 |   +-----+          +-------------+
  |   |A    |          |C            |
3 |   |     |   +-------------+      |
  |   |     |   |B     |      |      |
2 |   +-----+   |      +-------------+
  |(x0, y0)     |             |
1 |             +-------------+
  |                                     x
  0      1      2      3      4      5


  • B完全在A的上方:B.y0 > A.y1
  • B完全在A的下方:B.y1 < A.y0
  • B完全在A的左边:B.x1 < A.x0
  • B完全在A的右边:B.x0 > A.x1
+----+  +--------------------+
|    |  |        B           |
|    |  +--------------------+
|    |                  +----+
|    |  +----------+    |    |
| B  |  |          |    |    |
|    |  |    A     |    |    |
|    |  |          |    | B  |
|    |  |          |    |    |
|    |  +----------+    |    |
+----+                  |    |
+---------------------+ |    |
|          B          | |    |
+---------------------+ +----+


class Rect:
    def __init__(self, points):
        assert len(points)==4, 'invalid input'
        self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = points

    def intersects(self, rect):
        ''' if intersects with `rect`.'''
        non_intersection =  rect.x1<self.x0 or \
                            rect.x0>self.x1 or \
                            rect.y1<self.y0 or \
        return not non_intersection


既然已经有了判断两个矩形是否相交的方法,自然想到两两判断所有矩形的暴力求解方法。最后用一个列表表示各个矩形的相交矩形,graph = [set() for i in range(num)],也就是邻接表表示的图结构。

class Rects:
    '''Collection of Rect instances.'''
    def __init__(self):
        self._rects = [] # type: list[Rect]

    def append(self, instance): self._rects.append(instance)    

    def build_graph(self):
        '''calculate the connectivity between every two rects by brute force method.'''
        num = len(self._rects)
        graph = [set() for i in range(num)]
        for i in range(num):
            for j in range(i+1, num):
                if self._rects[i].intersects(self._rects[j]):
        return graph

if __name__ == '__main__':

    inputs = [(0.5,2,1.5,4), (2,1,4,3), (3,2,5,4)]

    # initialize Rects
    R = Rects()
    for points in inputs: R.append(Rect(points))

    # solving rectangle intersection
    graph = R.build_graph()

    # output:
    # [set(), {2}, {1}]




  • 以O(n*logn)代价沿着一个维度对矩形排序,这样可以避免每两个矩形都要进行一次判断
  • 在一个维度的投影有重叠的情况下,只需按区间判断另一个维度的相交情况


A Rectangle-Intersection Algorithm with Limited Resource Requirements


  • 取所有n个矩形的竖直边,并按非降的顺序排序得到共计m=2n条边的集合V
  • 然后重复如下描述的子过程detect(V, m)
    • 如果m < 2则终止递归,否则,
    • 定义如下集合:
      • V1V前一半即⌊m/2⌋个元素的集合,
      • V2V后一半即剩下元素的集合
      • S11为至少一条竖直边在V1中,且不经过V2区域的矩形的集合
      • S22为至少一条竖直边在V2中,且不经过V1区域的矩形的集合
      • S12为左竖直边在V1中且右竖直边跨过(spanningV2区域的矩形的集合
      • S21为右竖直边在V2中且左竖直边跨过(spanningV1区域的矩形的集合
    • 分别对集合(S12, S22)、(S21, S11)、(S12, S21)进行y区间是否重叠的判断stab(S12, S22)stab(S21, S11)stab(S12, S21)
    • 重复执行子过程:detect(V1, ⌊m/2⌋)detect(V2, m−⌊m/2⌋)


  ^ y
  |                 +                    V1  = [0.5, 1.5, 2]
  |        (x1, y1) |                    V2  = [3, 4, 5]
4 |   +-----+       |  +-------------+   S11 = [A]
  |   |A    |       |  |C            |   S22 = [C]
3 |   |     |   +-------------+      |   S12 = []
  |   |     |   |B  |  |      |      |   S21 = []
2 |   +-----+   |   |  +-------------+
  |(x0, y0)     |   |         |
1 |             +-------------+
  |                 |                   x
  0      1      2      3      4      5


  ^ y
  |       +            V1  = [0.5]
  |       |            V2  = [1.5, 2]
4 |   +-----+          S11 = []
  |   |A  | |          S22 = [B]
3 |   |   | |   +---   S12 = []
  |   |   | |   |B     S21 = []
2 |   +-----+   |
  |       |     |
1 |       |     +---
  |       |                             x
  0      1      2      3      4      5
  ^ y
  |      V1  = [3]         +
  |      V2  = [4,5]       |
4 |      S11 = []      +-------------+
  |      S22 = []      |C  |         |
3 |      S12 = []    ---------+      |
  |      S21 = [B]     |   |  |      |
2 |                    +-------------+
  |                  B     |  |
1 |                  ---------+
  |                        |            x
  0      1      2      3      4      5



  ^ y
  |           +        V1  = [1.5]
  |           |        V2  = [2]
4 |        -+ |        S11 = [A]
  |       A | |        S22 = [B]
3 |         | | +--+   S12 = []
  |         | | |B     S21 = []
2 |        -+ | |
  |           | |
1 |           | +--+
  |           |                         x
  0      1      2      3      4      5
  ^ y
  |      V1  = [4]               +
  |      V2  = [5]               |
4 |      S11 = [B]          ---------+
  |      S22 = []                |  C|
3 |      S12 = []           --+  |   |
  |      S21 = [C]            |  |   |
2 |                         ---------+
  |                         B |  |
1 |                         --+  |
  |                              |      x
  0      1      2      3      4      5

终于,上图中可以执行stab(S21,S11)操作即判断BCy区间上的相交情况,显然它们是相交的;于是,最终得到一组相交矩形(B, C)。这里略去了stab的算法描述,即一维区间的求交问题。

综合来看,这个算法将矩形相交的判断分解为两个维度的相交,x方向通过排序和分治提高了效率,剩下的y方向就是一维区间的判断。根据S集合的定义,唯有(S12, S22)、(S21, S11)、(S12, S21)这三种组合在x方向出现重叠,所以算法中仅对它们进行y区间的stab判断。


def detect(V:list, num:int, index_groups:list):
    ''' divide and conquer in x-direction.
        - V: rectangle-related x-edges data, [(index, (x0,y0,x1,y1), x), (...), ...]
        - num: count of V instances, equal to len(V)
        - index_groups: target adjacent list for connectivity between rects
    if num==1: return

    # start/end points of left/right intervals
    center_pos = int(num/2.0)
    X0, X, X1 = V[0][-1], V[center_pos-1][-1], V[-1][-1] 

    # split into two groups
    left = V[0:center_pos]
    right = V[center_pos:]

    # filter rects according to their position to each intervals
    S11 = list(filter( lambda item: item[1][2]<=X, left ))
    S12 = list(filter( lambda item: item[1][2]>=X1, left ))
    S22 = list(filter( lambda item: item[1][0]>X, right ))
    S21 = list(filter( lambda item: item[1][0]<=X0, right ))

    # intersection in x-direction is fulfilled, so check y-direction further
    stab(S12, S22, index_groups)
    stab(S21, S11, index_groups)
    stab(S12, S21, index_groups)

    # recursive process
    detect(left,  center_pos,     index_groups)
    detect(right, num-center_pos, index_groups)

def stab(S1:list, S2:list, index_groups:list):
    '''Check interval intersection in y-direction.'''
    if not S1 or not S2: return

    # sort
    S1.sort(key=lambda item: item[1][1])
    S2.sort(key=lambda item: item[1][1])

    i, j = 0, 0
    while i<len(S1) and j<len(S2):
        m, a, _ = S1[i]
        n, b, _ = S2[j]
        if a[1] < b[1]:
            k = j
            while k<len(S2) and S2[k][1][1] < a[3]:
                report_pair(int(m/2), int(S2[k][0]/2), index_groups)
                k += 1
            i += 1
            k = i
            while k<len(S1) and S1[k][1][1] < b[3]:
                report_pair(int(S1[k][0]/2), int(n/2), index_groups)
                k += 1
            j += 1

def report_pair(i:int, j:int, index_groups:list):
    '''add pair (i,j) to adjacent list.'''


class Rects:
    '''Collection of Rect instances.'''
    def __init__(self):
        self._rects = [] # type: list[Rect]

    def append(self, instance): self._rects.append(instance)    

    def build_graph(self):
        '''calculate rects connectivity by solving rectangle intersection problems.'''
        num = len(self._rects)
        graph = [set() for i in range(num)]
        i_rect_x, i = [], 0
        for rect in self._rects:
            points = (rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1)
            i_rect_x.append((i,   points, rect.x0))
            i_rect_x.append((i+1, points, rect.x1))
            i += 2
        i_rect_x.sort(key=lambda item: item[-1])
        detect(i_rect_x, 2*num, graph) # use the improved algorithm
        return graph

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import random
    from time import perf_counter

    # initialize random coordinates
    N = 50000
    inputs = []
    for i in range(N):
        x0, y0 = random.random()*10000, random.random()*10000
        x1 = x0 + random.random()*5
        y1 = y0 + random.random()*5

    # initialize Rects
    R = Rects()
    for points in inputs: R.append(Rect(points))

    # solving rectangle intersection
    t0 = perf_counter()
    graph = R.build_graph()
    print(f'time: {perf_counter()-t0}')

    # output:
    # time: 1.2851152
